Launching Soon

The smart, cheaper, faster and secure way for international payments

  • Send payments to 100+ countries for less
  • Seemless connection with ERP, Payroll and Bank
  • Use Funds in your FDIC-insured checking account

Why Choose Suvi?

Send International Payments with Ease

With Suvi, sending money internationally has never been easier. Our user-friendly platform lets you send payments to vendors, employees, and contractors in over 100 countries, all in their local currency.

Seamlessly integrate with your ERP, payroll, and banking applications for easy reconciliation, reporting, and closing of books.

Plus, your funds are always kept safe in your FDIC-insured checking account with multi-user access controls and dual approval.

Empower Your Global Team

Suvi empowers your global team by allowing you to reimburse your employees and contractors in their local currency, faster than ever before.

Compare our net remitted amount with other banks or remittance-only apps and see how much you can save. Your recipient receives funds instantly without delays, and you have peace of mind with multi-level access controls and easy integration for reconciliation, reporting, and closing of books.

Designed for Business by Accountants

Suvi is designed by accountants for businesses, taking the pain out of international payments. Create one-time or recurring payments, upload invoices, and auto-calculate payments for hours worked.

We integrate seamlessly with your ERP, payroll, spend management, and banking applications to keep your systems updated in real-time. We remove the burden of dealing with multiple currencies, making reconciliation, reporting, and book closing hassle-free.

Enjoy informed notifications when your FDIC-insured checking account needs more funds to cover upcoming scheduled payments.

Save Big on Fees with Suvi

Suvi is the faster and cheaper way to send international payments. Say goodbye to exorbitant fees and long waits for funds to clear. We keep our costs low and transfer the savings to you, allowing you to save significantly when sending money abroad.

With Suvi, you can instantly fund your international transfers using funds in your FDIC-insured checking account.

Compare our net remitted amount with other banks or remittance-only apps and see how much you can save. Your recipient receives funds instantly without delays, and you have peace of mind with multi-level access controls and easy integration for reconciliation, reporting, and closing of books.

Unmatched Security with Next-Gen Technology

At Suvi, we take your security and protection seriously. That's why we've built our next-generation app with advanced security features and state-of-the-art technology to provide the highest level of protection for your information.

Our 128-bit AES encryption, access control, and secure processes ensure that your money and personal data are always safe from unauthorized access.

All deposits are FDIC-insured up to $250,000, and our real-time monitoring and notification systems keep you informed about your account activities. With Suvi, you can trust that your banking activities are always secure and protected.


Get Started Today

Tired of how long it takes to open an account? Suvi has simplified the process—it takes less than a minute to get started.