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No Fee Send Money Abroad: Fast

  • Send money abroad with ease
  • Unlock unbeatable rates. Zero fees*
  • Super fast money transfers

Transfer instantly with funds in your FDIC insured account.

Why Choose Suvi?

Send Money Abroad with Ease

With just a few clicks, send funds instantly to loved ones worldwide.

No fees for transfers over $100, and compare our top-notch industry exchange rates.

Super Fast Money Transfers

Transfer instantly with funds in your FDIC insured account with a few simple clicks.

No more waiting for funds transfers from other banks. Say goodbye to ACH and debit card fees.

Safe and User-Friendly App

Bid farewell to remittance-only apps. Suvi's integrated banking and remittance app is designed for ease, speed, and security.

Send remittances instantly with a few clicks. Suvi provides peace of mind with FDIC insurance and robust 128-bit AES encryption.

Save on Fees with Suvi

Send money abroad with zero fees1. Compare our leading industry exchange rates.

Unlike other banks that impose high fees and offer unfavorable rates, we maintain low costs and pass the savings on to you.


Get Started Today

Tired of how long it takes to open an account? Suvi has simplified the process—it takes less than a minute to get started.